Last week, I helped a dear friend commit government-sanctioned assisted suicide. My friend could keenly feel the demolition that age and time works upon us. He understood and accepted the destiny fated to all people and things in a disposable society. He went quietly, with honor and a grace that belied the full-throttled energy with which he had shared his life with me.



I’ll be leaving Porkopolis for a few days this week to work, do research and visit family in NYC. Luckily for me, there is a superhero there – Wonderella – whose eye is on the pig, so I know she’s watching out for me, too.

Belated Blue Beanie Day

Belated Blue Beanie Day

Yesterday was National Pig Day. Porkopolis.org’s coding difficulties have been [fingers crossed] corrected. The Porkopolis blog is now free foraging and open for examination and comments. So I have placed my Blue Beanie Day image here, and await Blue Beanie Day #3 in November 2009.

Winter Pig

Winter Pig

I thought of the engulfing silence always created by cold and falling snow as I looked out the front window of our house, imagining as “Winter Pig”, in a watercolor by James Wyeth, as she pondered that same engulfing silence of snow from the front door of he sty.