Berry, Wendell

United States, (b. 1934)

For the Hog Killing

  1. Let them stand still for the bullet, and stare the shooter in the
  2. eye,
  3. let them die while the sound of the shot is in the air, let them die
  4. as they fall,
  5. let the jugular blood spring hot to the knife, let its freshet be full,
  6. let this day begin again the change of hogs into people, not the
  7. other way around,
  8. for today we celebrate again our lives’ wedding with the world,
  9. for by our hunger, by this provisioning, we renew the bond.

© Wendell Berry
Collected Poems, 1957-1982. North Point Press, SanFrancisco, 1985. Originally published in A Part, 1980.

About the Poet

Wendell Berry, (b. 1934) US poet, novelist, essayist, writer and farmer, writes and farms seventy-five acres in Henry County, Kentucky. He also speaks and writes on conservation and sustainable agriculture. [DES-6/03]

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