A jolly companion

A jolly companion

The reclusive and elusive U.S. author Thomas Pynchon weighs in on the value of pigs as pals: “You’ll never go wrong with a pig!

Virtue is stopped at all frontiers

Virtue is stopped at all frontiers

In the timeless meditations on the experiences of being a pig or human, it is a theme oft’ repeated, that the cupidity of those with power will only allow passage to those who can make payment in advance.

Discomforting Junctions

Discomforting Junctions

Far beyond the Atlanteans’ genetic triflings, pigs and humans share many commonalities that bind their species together in ways that are uncomfortable to discuss.

The gods watch all our planning

The gods watch all our planning

When they even bother, the gods’ orchestrations will trump the plans of both pigs and men; but at best we are usually just the soap operas that blunt their tedium.

Only pigs read at table

Only pigs read at table

Having trouble understanding logic? While it is possible to give simple explanations of the common notions concerning logic, by adding a pig to the equation a conceptual apparatus is provided that is more easily interpreted.