Prisco, Mark

pig poet

Mark Prisco, New Zealand, (fl. 2015-present), poetry includes: death and after. Prisco is a poet and, as of October 2017, an honours student of English Literature at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Pritchard, David

pig poet

David Pritchard, New Zealand, (contemporary), poetry includes: POEM 1. Pritchard is a poet who lives and writes in New Zealand. His work has appeared in the ezines Trout and Southern Ocean Review.

Rowbotham, David

pig poet

David Rowbotham, Australia, (1924-2010), poetry includes: The Season. Rowbotham was a poet, author, teacher, editor and journalist. While working as a full time journalist, Rowbotham also pursued a distinguished career as a poet, publishing more than fourteen collections in his lifetime.

Salom, Philip

pig poet

Philip Salom, Australia, (b. 1950), poetry includes: Pigs. Salom is a poet and novelist. His poetry works have attracted widespread acclaim. He has published seventeen books – fourteen collections of poetry and three novels, all notable for their originality and expansiveness and for surprising differences in style and conceptual paradigms.

Shapcott, Thomas W.

pig poet

Thomas William Shapcott, Australia, (b. 1935), poetry includes: 4. The Titian Venus & Adonis. Shapcott is a poet, novelist, playwright, editor, librettist, short story writer and teacher. He also worked as a tax accountant for 27 years, specializing in taxation advice for writers, artists and academics.

Slow, Ernie

pig poet

Ernie Slow, New Zealand, (1891-1960), poetry includes: Bray Kills a Pig. Slow was a poet but supported himself throughout his life as a shepherd, rabbiter, fencer and for years a gun shearer, based in Fairlie, NZ in the Mackenzie Country.

Somervaille, Penny

pig poet

Penny Somervaille, New Zealand, (b.1936; fl. 1998-present), poetry includes: Meanwhile. Somervaille is a poet and short fiction writer with a (mature) BA in English and Writing Studies at the University of Auckland in 2009.An active public reader of her own work, Somervaille, appears regularly in a variety of poetry reading venues around Auckland, NZ. Her book,Small Decisions Pennyroyal Press (2015) is her first published collection.

Sorensen, Jack

pig poet

John Alfred “Jack” Sorensen, Australia, (1907-1949), poetry includes: How We Cashed The Pig. Sorensen was a bush poet, a balladeer, orchardist, gun shearer, wool-classer, boxing champion, journalist, and soldier. He was also known as Western Australia’s Fighting Poet and the “Weaver of Dreams.”

Stead, C.K.

pig poet

Christian Karlson “C.K.” Stead, New Zealand, (b. 1932), poetry includes: 1849 The Settler and 21 Postscript. Stead is a poet whose works also include novels, short stories, and literary criticism. Stead is one of New Zealand’s foremost literary figures and was the New Zealand Poet Laureate for 2015 to 2017.

Stephens, J. Brunton

pig poet

J. Brunton Stephens, Scotland/Australia, (1835-1902), poetry includes: The Great Pig Story of the Tweed. Stephens was a poet and also worked much of his life as a private tutor on cattle stations and as a schoolteacher.