The Votaries of Circe

The Votaries of Circe recently added the works of 22 more poets to its Library. Poets who have considered the zeitgeist of Circe’s world and her preference for pigs over men.

Porter, Dorothy

pig poet

Dorothy Porter (1954-2008), Australian poet and novelist. Poems include: Pig in a Silk Purse, Piglets Both, Enchanted Beasts. Her poetry stressed themes of sensuality, risk-taking and, at times, violence, making her a highly individual voice on the Australian poetry scene.

Packer, Richard

pig poet

Richard Packer (aka: Lewis Packer), New Zealand, (1935-89), poetry includes: Circe boiling. Packer was a poet, playwright, journalist and advertising executive. Packer also travelled extensively and never cease to question the world and the role of man and womankind in it.

Boyle, Peter

pig poet

Peter Boyle, Australia (b. 1951), poetry includes: The Transformation Boat. Boyle is a poet, educator and translator. Boyle has worked as a teacher of English, History and Communications in secondary schools and in technical colleges for many years. He has published nine collections of poetry and has translated extensively from French and Spanish poets, notably Lorca, Cernuda, Vallejo, Montejo and Reverdy.