Whalley, George

pig poet

George Whalley, Canada (1915-1983), poetry includes: Pig. Whalley was a Canadian poet, editor, scholar, biographer, and translator. Whalley obtained his Ph. D. from King’s College, London in 1950. He was a Rhodes scholar for Quebec in 1936. Whalley taught English at Queen’s University and was twice the head of the department.

Yuan, Changming

pig poet

Changming Yuan, Canada (contemporary), poetry includes: 20 Imperial Imperatives. Changming Yuan [pen name of Yuan Wumin] is a poet, editor and publisher. An 8-time Pushcart nominee, Yuan has had poetry appearing in more than 800 literary journals/anthologies across 29 countries. He is also the Founding Publisher/Editor-in-Chief of Poetry Pacific at Poetry Pacific Press (PP Press).