Pig Poets on Circe

Circe in Art and Poetry

Here are works by poets who have considered the pig in the context of the goddess, Circe, a pragmatic and sensual woman searching for a proper lover.

Pig Artists consider Circe

Circe in Art and Poetry

Here are works by artists who have considered the pig in the context of the goddess, Circe, a pragmatic and sensual woman searching for a proper lover.

Circe as a child

Circe as a child

The sorceress Circe is a fine example of how the skills a girl learns by accident early in life can be of great usefulness in her maturity.

Circe in Art and Poetry

Circe in Art and Poetry

A new exhibition of art featuring Circe and pigs has opened in the Porkopolis.org Art Museum and a selection of pig themed poetry also featuring Circe has been added to the Best Loved Pig Poetry section Of the Ziffel Memorial Library.

The Courtiers of Circe

Circe in Art and Poetry

The Courtiers of Circe – an exhibition of art and poetry featuring Circe and pigs. Here are eight centuries of paintings and poetry from Medieval times to the present – a flavor of the diversity in interpretations of Circe’s role as an allegory of the timeless vagaries and inconsistencies of sexual and amorous relationships.