A Trespass of Swine

the Porkopolis blog

Considerations of humanity and hogritude, because an insufficiency of pigs is one of the great faults of all that the gods have made manifest to man.



Pigs and the Millennium – as science or religious conversion become fashionable short-cuts to the millennium, technological advances mean the shared future of pig and man will be found in the hinterlands and the sweet by-and-by of wallowing pools, weightlessness and web sites.

SlipKnot and The PC Pig

Rochford's PC Pig

“SlipKnot was how I first accessed the ‘graphical’ web in the mid-1990s and The PC Pig was one of the first sites I found there.”


Taco Pig

There is strong evidence for these two being Lost Littermates. Aside from the obvious physical similarities, both are cute, have voracious appetites and regularly accost strangers, demanding choice morsels of food, each in their native tongue.


You might think these two could be Lost Littermates, but sorry folks, this one’s bogus. That’s a fine example of a Hampshire boar, right, while the Belted Galloway, left, is definitely of the bovine persuasion, not “a really big pig” as some of our younger visitors have suggested. Curiously, many registered breeders of Galloways credited … Read more

A random image of a pig, hog, boar or swine from the collection at Porkopolis.