Charlotte’s Web a target for censorship

Dan reading Charlotte's Web

Charlotte’s Web is a beloved children’s story about a little girl who lives on a farm and falls in love with a runt pig she names Wilbur. The pig is also befriended by a spider named Charlotte, who is determined to save Wilbur from slaughter.



It was with particular interest that I noticed how last week’s episode of $#*! (Bleep) My Dad Says on CBS television mentioned a pig that willingly went to slaughter.

Pigs Parachute into Pimlico

Pigs Parachute into Pimlico

We’ve always been English and we’ll always be English; and it’s precisely because we are English that we’re sticking up for our right to be Burgundians! Mrs. Pemberton (played by Betty Warren) in Passport to Pimlico We will perhaps forever debate the true aerodynamic potential of pigs; but here is a quite enjoyable 60-year-old example … Read more

Vitruvian Swine and Flying Pigs – Redux

Vitruvian Swine and Flying Pigs – Redux

The image of the Vitruvian Swine idled in my imagination for several years before it debuted on I have since discovered that many other folk have independently arrived at a similar conception of da Vinci and the swine. None of these have appealed to my inner oinkeological nature so much as the swine at Matt Buck’s Hack web site.