Daldorph, Brian

pig poet

Brian Daldorph, England/United States, (b. 1958), poetry includes: Pig> Daldorph is a poet and also teaches creative writing at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. He is the founder-editor of Coal City Review, a literary press. And he leads a creative writing class for inmates at the Douglas County Jail.

Dargan, Kyle G.

pig poet

Kyle G. Dargan, United States, (b. 1980), poetry includes: It’s Possible I’m Too Bougie to Be Free. Dargan is a poet, educator and editor. He earned a BA from The University of Virginia and an MFA from Indiana University. He is currently Associate Professor of Literature and Director of Creative Writing at American University. He has five poetry collections, all from the University of Georgia Press.

deNiord, Chard

pig poet

Chard deNiord, United States, (b. 1952), poetry includes: Memory Gardens. Chard deNiord is a poet, educator and writer. He received a Master of Divinity from Yale Divinity School, and a Master of Fine Arts from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. He has taught at Providence College (1998-2020), and is now Professor Emeritus of English and Creative Writing. Poet Laureate of Vermont (2015–2019), deNiord has also been a Poetry Fellow at the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and is a recipient of a Pushcart Prize.

Digges, Deborah

pig poet

Deborah Digges, United States, (1950-2009), poetry includes: WINTER BARN. Digges was a poet, memoirist, and educator. She was a professor of English at Tufts University in Medford, MA and also taught in the graduate writing divisions of New York University, Boston University, and Columbia University. The author of four well-received poetry collections and two equally well-received memoirs, Digges poems were also widely anthologized and appeared regularly in The New Yorker and other publications.

Dominguez, David

pig poet

David Dominguez, United States, (b. 1971), poetry includes: Galdini Sausage, Pig and Oxtail Stew. Dominguez is a poet, editor and educator. He has taught at Long Beach City College and now teaches writing and literature at Reedley College in California’s San Joaquin Valley. He is the author of several poetry collections and his poems have been included in various magazines, journals and anthologies.

Dostal, Cyril A.

pig poet

Cyril (“Cy”) A. Dostal, United States, (1930-2002), poetry includes: Ceramics Class. Dostal was a poet, college instructor, technical and advertising writer, and freelance writer. He founded the Poets’ League of Greater Cleveland and co-founded the Cuyahoga Valley Nature Writers Workshop with Jill Sell.

Doty, Catherine

pig poet

Catherine Doty, United States, (b. 1952), poetry includes: Breathing Under Water. Doty is a poet, educator and cartoonist. She received an MFA in poetry from the University of Iowa. She is the author of two volumes of poems: Wonderama (2021)and Momentum (2004), as well as Just Kidding (1999), a collection of cartoons. She has worked as a visiting artist for the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, the Frost Place, Murphy Writing, and schools throughout New Jersey.

Duhamel, Denise

pig poet

Denise Duhamel, United States, (b. 1960) is a poet and educator; Maureen Seaton, United States, (b. 1947) is an LGBTQ poet, activist, and educator. Their collaborative poetry includes: Exquisite Candidate, Pork and Animal Farm.

Fargason, William

pig poet

William Haliburton Fargason, IV, United States, (b. 1988), poetry includes: Love Song to the Demon-possed Pigs of Gadara. Fargason is a poet, editor and educator. He earned PhD in poetry from Florida State University, where he taught creative writing. He is the poetry editor of Split Lip Magazine.

Frech, Stephen

pig poet

Stephen Frech, United States, (b. 1969), poetry includes: The Hog and Self-Portrait with Saskia: The Prodigal Son in the Tavern. Frech is a poet and educator. He is an Associate Professor of English at Millikin University in Decatur, IL. And the founder and editor of Oneiros Press.